Linbay Machinery es un destacado fabricante de máquinas perfiladoras en China y estamos muy emocionados de anunciar nuestra participación en la esperada exposición FABTECH MEXICO 2023 en la ciudad de México el próximo 16 de mayo de 2023. En nuestra empresa, nos enorgullece ser reconocidos como un...Read more -
Linbay Machinery, a well-known roll forming machine manufacturer in China, is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at FABTECH MEXICO 2023 in Mexico City on May 16, 2023. As a reliable and professional company, we have been focusing on expanding our market in Mexico since 2022 and are wo...Read more -
On February 22nd, 2023, LINBAY MACHINERY had the honor of attending a thank-you party hosted by Google China as a customer. The 5-year partnership between LINBAY MACHINERY and Google China has allowed the LINBAY MACHINERY brand to better enter the global market and provide better ROLL FORMING MAC...Read more -
Feliz Natal
Estimado cliente, 2020 foi um ano cheio de crise, e agora é o final de 2020, o Natal e o Ano Novo estão chegando. Desejo a você um Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo em nome da LINBAY MACHINERY, e muito obrigado por seu apoio contínuo nos últimos anos. A você e a todos os seus queridos amigos e fami...Read more -
Feliz Navidad
Querido cliente, 2020 ha sido un año lleno de crisis, y ahora es el final de 2020, se acerca la Navidad y el Año Nuevo. Les deseo Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo en nombre de LINBAY MACHINERY, y les muestro muchas gracias por su continuo apoyo en los últimos años. Para ti y todos tus queridos ...Read more -
Merry Christmas
Dear customer, 2020 has been a year full of crises and chance, and now is end of 2020, the Christmas and New Year is coming. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year on behalf of LINBAY MACHINERY, and show my many thanks for your continuous supports in the past years. For you and all your de...Read more -
Mawlid al nabi
May joy and peace be with you today and always. Happy Mawlid al nabi.Read more -
LINBAY-Exporta la Perfiladora de Lámina Ondulada a Indonesia
El 30 de agosto de 2020, Linbay Machinery cargó la máquina perfiladora de paneles para techo. Esta máquina se enviará a Indonesia el 2 de septiembre de 2020. Desde el diseño y la producción hasta la fecha de entrega, solo demoramos 43 días. Es un pedido rápido y eficaz. ...Read more -
LINBAY-Export Corrugated Roof Panel Roll Forming Machine to Indonesia
On 30th of August 2020, Linbay machinery loaded the corrugated roof panel roll forming machine. This machine will be shipped to Indonesia on 2nd of September 2020. From the design and production to the delivery date, we only takes 43 days. It’s a fast and efficient order...Read more -
Eid Mubarak
2020.7.31 is a big day, today is Eid al-Adha, is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael as an act of obedience to God’s command. But before Ibrahum could sacrifice his son, God provide a lamb to sacrifice...Read more -
LINBAY-HQTS Certificate of Inspection exporting roll forming machine to Iraq
Today we welcome the inspector from HQTS organization come to our factory for investigating our roll forming machine. After that, we will get a Certificate of Inspection, I have it in my hand. This document is very important and necessary in importing and exporting roll forming machines to Iraq....Read more -
LINBAY MACHINERY was exhibitor of the 21st edition of the Metalloobrabotka exhibition 2020, but the fair has been rescheduled to 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 in Russia and in the world. The exhibition will run on the traditional dates 24-28 May 2021 at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Mosc...Read more